Residents help choose locations for over 500 new trees across Kingston neighbourhoods

More than 500 trees are being planted across the Kingston borough this winter - including over 150 taking root in locations nominated by residents.
Kingston stands out as one of the leafiest boroughs in London and as part of Kingston Council's commitment to protecting biodiversity and improving the natural environment, it asked residents where new trees should be planted across their neighbourhoods.
Over 150 people responded to the Winter Tree Planting Survey and every request has now been met. With help from residents, council officers are planting crab apple trees (Malus Evereste), native English oak trees (Quercus robur) and a variety of other species.
Councillor Ian Manders, Portfolio Holder for Climate Action and Sustainable Transport in Kingston, said: "Kingston is committed to tackling climate change and mitigating its impacts. Tree planting is just one of the ways that we can improve the environment and help make Kingston a greener borough.
"Thank you to all our residents who took the time to tell us where they would like to see young trees planted this season."
Kingston Council is also offering community groups and residents fifty native Queen Elizabeth field maple trees to plant in their local public open spaces, in honour of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
The initiative is part of the Queen's Green Canopy project, with over a million trees being planted across the country to create a living legacy to the late Queen.
You can reserve your tree for the Queen's Green Canopy by emailing: [email protected] and include:
- Your name/name of group
- A map/address with where you would like the tree(s) to be planted.You can request one tree or several trees. All locations must be within grassed areas.
- If you would like a specific date for the tree to be planted. Weekdays 8:30am to 3pm only.
The deadline for requests is Friday 3 February.