Plans submitted to convert Kingston town centre car park into apartments

An application has been submitted to Kingston Council to convert Canbury Place car park in Kingston town centre into apartments.
The plans were originally submitted in 2019 "and was for a "hybrid" planning application that is, one that seeks full planning permission for one part and outline planning permission for another part of the same site.
"The scheme was in two phases, Phase 1 detailed application and Phase 2 outline application.
"The original application sought permission for the comprehensive redevelopment of the site to provide 389 Build to Rent residential units, 1,827sqm of office floorspace and 2,214sqm of gym/nursery/office/retail floorspace."

However, the application was amended recently to address concerns identified with the original proposal for the site.
The amended application asks for the: "Demolition of the existing buildings and the erection of two buildings (Block A - part 12, part 10, part 2 storey and Block B - part 15, part 12 storey) to provide residential apartments (Use Class C3) comprising (159 x 1-bed, 67 x 2-bed, and 39 x 3-bed) with associated facilities, and flexible workspace (Use Class E) (447sqm) with associated access, parking and landscaping arrangements, including the stopping up (closure) of Kingsgate Road."
The amended scheme relates to a reduced site area, and now excludes the parade at 13-43 Richmond Road, which originally formed the outline application and the second phase of the development.

Key changes to the scheme include:
· The omission of the outline element of the scheme on 13-43 Richmond Road.
· Changes to the road layouts.
· Changes to the height and massing (with the tallest point reducing from 19 storeys to 15 storeys).
· Reducing the number of residential units from 389 to 265.
· Increasing the proportion of 3-bed units from 10% to 15%.
· Retaining two existing trees near the junction of Sopwith Way and Seven Kings Way.
· Reducing the scale of the basement.
The application site for this amended scheme comprises Canbury Place car park, along with the adjacent Kingsgate Road and Walter Street; 12-50 Kingsgate Road, a vacant site formerly occupied by Kingsgate Business Centre, and 52 Kingsgate Road, located adjacent to Seven Kings Way.
The amended scheme would deliver a total of 265 Build to Rent residential units.
The amended application originally included no affordable housing on the basis that it could not viably support provision on site.
Subsequently, on 29 November 2024 the applicant offered to provide 27 on site affordable housing units, which is approximately 10% based on the number of units proposed.
All affordable units would be provided as discounted market rented homes.
In terms of affordable tenure mix, the proposals provide a mix of:
· 9 units comprising 5 x 1- beds, 2 x 2-beds, and 2 x 3-bed.
· 18 discounted market rent homes provide at a range of discounts from market rent level, comprising 10 x 1-beds at 74% of market rent, 5 x 2-beds at 52% of market rent, and 3 x 3-beds at 41% of market rent.
The above affordable housing provision has been reviewed by an independent viability assessor to ensure that it represents the maximum affordable housing provision.
The independent assessor has confirmed that with the above provision the scheme would generate a deficit.
In terms of three or more-bedroom units the proposal comprises the following:
· 39 x 3 bedroom or more units are proposed which equates to 14.7% of the overall number of units.
The development includes approximately:
· 447sqm of Class E flexible commercial floorspace at ground floor.
· 575 sqm residents' communal area at ground and first floors.
The development includes new public open space, including a children's play space, and new east-west and north-south pedestrian and cycle routes through the site.
The amended proposal would result in the loss of 6 Grade A London Plane trees located along Kingsgate Road (previously all 8 trees were shown to be removed).
Mitigation in the form of replacement tree planting is proposed.
The proposed development would provide 8x blue badge car parking spaces and one car club space.
For the development, a total of 484 cycle parking spaces would be provided, comprising 434 long-stay for residents and 50 short-stay cycle parking spaces for visitors and commercial users of the site .
Long-stay cycle parking would be provided primarily at the ground floor level.
The proposal includes significant highway alterations and interventions, including:
· The closure and Stopping Up of Kingsgate Road and a replacement shared footway / pedestrian route providing east-west connections across the site.
· Closure of the Canbury Place car park (106 spaces).
· Relocation of the Kingsgate Road bus stop to Sopwith Way.
· Modification for the A308 Sopwith Way/A307 Richmond Road junction to accommodate a left turn lane from Sopwith Way.
· Construction of a new northbound lane on the A307 Richmond Road section from Sopwith Way junction to Kingsgate Road junction.
· Removal of the Richmond Road Northbound contra-flow cycle lane.
· Modification to Sury Basin/Richmond Road junction.
· Re-timing of signal control junctions.
· Footway enhancements.
· Cycle lanes and cycle network improvements.
The council are yet to make a decision.
However, many locals have taken to social media to express their disapproval of the application, with one saying: "It's no good building more accommodation without providing more services to support them namely GPs, Schools and hospitals."
Another said: "Disgusting, no thought for the town's history or the local community, as per."
1503 neighbouring addresses have been notified of the proposal by letter.
A combined total of 1527 representations have been received as of yesterday, Wednesday 7 January, for the original and amended proposal.
However, some people may have written more than once and that some people have made identical representations following each round of additional consultation / publicity.
Of these representations, 648 object to the amended development proposal and 5 representations have been received supporting the amended development proposal.
You can view the full application here.
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