Is it too late to get maths and English help for my child? Advice from Surbiton Tutor

As exam season looms, parents will be wondering how best to support their child in preparation for their upcoming tests.
Surbiton maths and English tutoring service, NumberWorks'nWords, has spoken to Nub News on how parents can best prepare their child for their SATs or GCSE exams.
It's half way through the Summer term – Is it too late to get maths and English help for my child?
With school tests and exams over, is there any point in getting a bit extra for my child? Simple answer is YES!!
If you feel that your child hasn't really done that well this year, struggles with some areas in maths or literacy and isn't as confident as they should be, there's no time like the present for organising a bit extra to provide a boost.
Teacher and Director of Surbiton NumberWorks'nWords, Celia Osborne says: "Whatever we do at NumberWorks 'n Words, we make sure that children understand.
"When they understand, then whatever question you present to them, they will be able to answer it confidently."
Book a free assessment and introductory session at Number Works'nWords and see what you think.
Wouldn't it be better to start in September?
Well no. It's so important to have a good start in September and chances are that expectations will be higher and the work harder in next year's class.
If you feel now that your child needs that bit of extra help, you're probably right! By getting some targeted help now, your child will probably feel a tad more confident after the Summer holiday.
That will get the whole year off to a really good start.
What about preparing for entrance exams or high grades at GCSE?
Again, there's no time like the present. With the 'work' side of the school day easing up to make way for end of year events and more 'fun' activities it's a great way to push on with the learning.
At NumberWorks'nWords we can provide an hour or two of challenge per week to help begin preparation for things to come.
OK, what do I have to do?
Ring 020 8399 1234 or email [email protected] and have a chat to Celia about your child's needs. Then pop along for a free assessment and introductory lesson to find out how we can help.
It's easier and more fun than you would think!
Where can I find them?
NumerWorks'nWords Surbiton is located at 152 Ewell Road, Surbiton, KT6 6HE.
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