Kingston Camera Club celebrates 130 years with photography exhibition
All Saints Church, Market Place, Kingston, KT1 1JP.
30th Sep 2023 - 13th Oct 2023
UNTIL Friday 13th October

Celebrating 130 years, Kingston Camera Club is holding an exhibition showcasing its members' photography to 13 October.

The impressive work of Kingston Camera Club's members will be on show at their 130th Anniversary Exhibition from 30 September to 13 October 2023 at All Saints Church, Market Place, Kingston, KT1 1JP.
Open daily from 10am to 4pm, entry is FREE, and visitors will have a chance to win a print of their favourite image chosen from the 100 prints and 100 digital images on display.
Kingston Camera Club meetings are held weekly on a Monday evening from 8pm – 10 pm in St Andrew's Church Hall, Church Road, Ham, TW10 5HG. Potential new members are warmly welcome for the new 2023/2024 season starting on Monday 4th September 2023. Before deciding to join, you can attend two evenings just as a guest.

Go to for full details.